A journey into contemporary art

Begin your journey into the creative universe of Dimitri Milesi, in which the work is a fascinating and profound representation of the human soul.

Highlighted collection

In the national panorama of contemporary artistic research Dimitri places himself precisely in a mosaic of multi-directional contexts, founding and supporting a new way of conceiving art, definable with a particular neologism: "Fantagoria".

The biography

“My approach to art is imbued with profound spirituality.

For me, art is a medium through which I can
communicate my intentions, motivations and emotions.

My passion began to grow, and in 2010 I made the decision to exhibit my first solo exhibition.
This marks the beginning of my artistic journey, and a third fundamental element is added to my personal dialogue with works of art: you who choose me and enjoy my works.”

Browse the works

The criticism

  • Mostra personale "dalla materia verso l'infinito"

    Personal exhibition "from matter towards infinity"

    Dimitri Milesi, who is in his first artistic experience, has created a group of works that are the result of his experimentation based on evaluations aimed at the search for...

    Personal exhibition "from matter towards infinity"

    Dimitri Milesi, who is in his first artistic experience, has created a group of works that are the result of his experimentation based on evaluations aimed at the search for...

  • Mostra personale "segno e significato"

    Personal exhibition "sign and meaning"

    In the multifaceted and varied contemporary artistic production aimed at searching for new poetics and new horizons, it seemed right to me to carry out some research.

    Personal exhibition "sign and meaning"

    In the multifaceted and varied contemporary artistic production aimed at searching for new poetics and new horizons, it seemed right to me to carry out some research.

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Your point of view is valuable

If you are a collector, a potential partner or simply curious about
know something more about who I am or you want to commission me your idea, contact me!

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